Wednesday, August 28, 2013

To her friend...

UPDATED. Wow. A lot of folks were angry with me about today's comic. I really thought that this cartoon was funny. I thought the girl came of like she thought that the whole "fake nerd girl" thing was stupid. She wasn't worried about what people called her, she likes comics and if you can't get with that then that's on you. I thought we were done with "fake nerd girl" and that we all agreed it was a stupid term coined by the simple-minded to exclude others. It is and I thought that the girl in today's comic came off like she was over it and that her wording was really funny. But I see that didn't come across and I blew it.

Look, Our Valued Customers was never meant to upset or offend anyone. I'm not the kind of person who looks to start fights or hurt anyone's feelings and I certainly don't want my comic to be thought of as a tool to do so. I work really hard on Our Valued Customers and I am incredibly grateful for every single fan I'm lucky enough to have so it is not and has never been my intention to offend or alienate anyone.

I've done over 1000 of these comics and face it, they're not all gold. Sometimes I don't do a great job bringing the humor across but I'm trying and if one of these comics doesn't really seem right, you've got to trust me that after all these years I'm not trying to give any of you guys the finger. I'm really sorry that I bummed you out with todays comic, it was never my intention to do so. I work very hard to make you guys laugh with Our Valued Customers everyday and please trust me when I say that I would never knowingly try to burn any of you.

Your ol' pal,

(Also, thanks for all the emails, personal messages and comments calling me (to name a few), "dickless, coward, faggot, mother fucker, pussy, bitch ass, fuck-tard, hate monger, conservative, asshole and shit head. Also thanks for the threats of physical violence and hopes that some kicks my "hate filled ass.")

Thursday, August 8, 2013

You're doing it wrong...

I'm trying to get enough money together to pay for my table at this years NEW YORK COMIC CON so for a short time EVERYTHING in the Our Valued Customers store is on SALE! I'm also featuring some NEW stuff like the SPACE CATS print and original artwork so PLEASE, if you enjoy Our Valued Customers and are interested in supporting your 7th favorite webcomic, swing by the OVC store and BUY SOMETHING! ---------------------->

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our Valued Customers at the BOSTON COMIC CON!

IN ONE WEEK! The Boston Comic Con! Saturday and Sunday August 3rd and 4th at the Seaport World Trade Center! Now is your chance to meet TIM CHAMBERLAIN, the creator of your 7th favorite webcomic OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS! TONS of awesome guests like Mike Mignola, Brian Azzarello, Tony Daniel, Tim Sale, Scott Snyder, Ed McGuinness and TONS MORE! You should go. It's gonna be great. See you there!